Map API Pricing

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BarikoiMaps vs. Mapbox vs. Google Maps Price Comparison

FeatureBarikoiGoogle MapsMapbox
Pricing StructurePay-as-you-go, user-based billingPay-as-you-go, request-based billingPay-as-you-go, user-based billing
Free TierUp to 10,000 map views, 10,000 geocodes$200 credit per monthUp to 50,000 map views, 50,000 geocodes
Static MapsFree for first 50,000, then $0.60 – $1.00 per 1,000 requestsFree for mobile, $2 per 1,000 requests after $200 credit is used upFree for first 50,000, then $0.60 – $1.00 per 1,000 requests
GeocodingFree for first 100,000, then $4 – $5 per 1,000 requests$5.00 per 1,000 requests (beyond credit)Free for first 100,000, then $4 – $5 per 1,000 requests
Directions / RoutingFree for first 100,000, then $1.20 – $2 per 1,000 requests$5.00 per 1,000 requests (beyond credit)Free for first 100,000, then $1.20 – $2 per 1,000 requests
Traffic InformationIncluded in map views pricingSeparate pricing (based on requests)Included in map views pricing
3D ModeAvailableAvailableAvailable
CustomizationHigh customizationModerate customizationHigh customization

Barikoi Pricing

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