More precise and The most efficient Way to locate.

Over 90% addresses of Dhaka City Corporation has been enlisted and POI's from 63 other District cities are in the coverage and can be smoothly accessed with BarikoiAPI. Since data has been prioritized in local context, it is more accurate.

A Unified Platform With Modern Location APIs


Make your website or apps search experience better with the best location data with the best search algorithm which can be both configured to be location relevant and location agnostic.
RESTful endpoint
JSON Response
Cleaner Address
Faster Response

Advance Geocoder

First of its kind API that turns your bad address into good ones! Transform your operation into efficient one and let's grow together.
RESTful endpoint
JSON Response
Detailed Geocodes
No Lat-Long Needed

Reverse Geocoding

Is the process of converting your location coordinates to a readable location or address. Our reverse geocoding api is the best in the country with full, error free address line data.
RESTful endpoint
JSON Response
Better Accuracy
Cleaner Address

"With 10x affordable price"

Start using Barikoi API
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